Minor Problems/Errors Discovered in the First Print
p. vii, line 2. "get" should be "gets".
p. xv, last line. "Teletar" should be replaced by "Telatar"
throughout the book.
p. xix ff. The title of Chapter 9 should be "RATE-DISTORTION
p. 4, line 5. "Britanica" should spell "Britannica".
The same for reference [65] on p.392, and the web address should be http://www.britannica.com/.
p. 8, Proposition 2.10, second line. "forms" should
be "form".
p. 8, Example 2.11, first line. "forms" should be "form".
p. 36, Problem 5, first line. "Expectation" should
be "expectation".
p. 55. Line 12, change "descendent" to "child".
Line 15, change "descendent(s)" to "child (children)" and "descendent"
to "child".
p. 59, Problem 10, part b). $\{ l_k \}$ should be $\{
l_j \}$.
p. 61., Eqn (4.3). $< \epsilon$ should be $\le \epsilon$.
p. 66., the 6th line from below. ${\cal M} = 2^n$ should
be $M = 2^n$. Also in (4.31), $| {\cal M} |$ should be $M$.
p. 67, line 9. "i.e." should be "i.e.,".
p. 70, Problem 2. The encoding function should be $f$
and the decoding function should be $g$.
p. 70, Problems 5 and 6. The assumption that $\cal
X$ is finite is unnecessary.
p. 71, Problem 8. "the Guassian random variable" should
be "a Gaussian random variable". The assumption that $\cal X$ is
finite is unnecessary.
p. 73. The first sentence in the last paragraph should
read "... etc, are taken over the corresponding supports unless otherwise
p. 74. In Eqn (5.5), $prod_x$ should be $prod_{x \in
{\cal X}}$.
p. 76, Eqn (5.25) and the line above. "for some $x$"
should be "for some $x \in {\cal X}$".
p. 90, Figure 5.2. $S_{[XY]\delta}^n$ should be $T_{[XY]\delta}^n$.
p. 92, Proposition 5.12. At the beginning, add ``With
respect to a joint distribution $p(x,y)$ on ${\cal X} \times {\cal Y}$,
p. 92, Section 5.4, the second paragraph. At the end
of the first sentence, add", so that $T_{[XY|Z]\delta}^n ({\bf z})$ is
nonempty". At the end of the second sentence, add "or ${\bf x} \in
T_{[X|Z]\delta}^n ({\bf z})$ and ${\bf y} \in T_{[Y|Z]\delta}^n ({\bf z})$,
p. 93, Problem 4, line 3. $N(x|{\bf x})$ should be
$N(x;{\bf x})$.
p. 116, Example 6.15, line 8. "evesdropper" shoud be
p. 152, Eqn (8.17). "\le" should be "=".
p. 162, line 5. "to handle" should be "for handling".
p. 178, Figure 8.13. There is an arrow from $W$ to
p. 183, Problem 3. $P \{ Z_i = 1 \}$ should be ${\rm
Pr} \{ Z_i = 1 \}$.
p. 184, Problem 3, parts a) and c). All $H_b$ should
be $h_b$.
p. 184, Problem 7, part c). All $H$ should be $h$ in
the inequality, and "less than" should be "upper bounded by".
p. 186, Problem 14. $\epsilon_i$
should be $\epsilon(i)$, and $H_b$ should be $h_b$.
p. 186, Problem 15. $H_b(\epsilon_2)$
should be $1 - h_b(\epsilon_2)$.
p. 278. In part a) of Problem 3, the first line is
out of bound.
p. 328, Figure 15.1. b_3 and b_4 should be b_1 and
b_2, respectively.
p. 329, 330, 332. The shaded regions in Figures 15.2,
15.4, and 15.6 are not printed clearly.
p. 305, line 10. "the 6 elemental inequalities given
in (14.8) and (14.12)" should be "the 9 elemental inequalities given in
(14.8), (14.9), and (14.12)"
p. 349, Eqn (15.133). A colon is missing after "U_{i'i}".
p. 358, Eqn (15.222). "=" should be "<=".
p. 359, line 3. "take" should be "takes".
p. 360, the first line of Eqn (15.A.6). The last "}"
should be ")".
p. 363. The equations (15.A.14) and (15.A.15) should
not be labeled.
p. 364, line 7. "superposition" should be "superposition
p. 395, reference [116]. "Kieffer," should be "Kieffer
p. 400, reference [209]. "years" should be "Years".
Last update by Raymond
W. Yeung on February 23, 2003.