There is a problem for the reference numbers in the body of the book. Specifically, a reference number [i] should be
i+1 for 105 <= i <= 198
i+2 for 199 <= i <= 238
For example, Shannon [180] on p. 39 should be Shannon [181], and Yeung and Zhang [232] on p. 325 should be Yeung and Zhang [234].
p. 12, Definition 2.15. "$X$ given $Y$" should be "$Y$ given $X$".
p. 35. In (2.201), $\lim_{k \rightarrow \infty}$ should be $\lim_{n \rightarrow \infty}$.
p. 36, Problem 6. The lower limit of $n$ should be 2 instead of 1, i.e., $C_\alpha = \sum_{n=2}^\infty$ and $n = 2, 3, \cdots$.
p. 36, Problem 7. Define $\overline{\lambda} = 1 - \lambda$, where $0 \le \lambda \le 1$.
p. 56, the 4th line above Theorem 3.20. $\tilde{p}_{k,j}$ should be $\tilde{p}_{k,j} / q_j$.
p. 57. The equation (3.72) should read
(p_{m-1} + p_m) \left[ 1 - H_2 \left( \left\{ {p_{m-1} \over p_{m-1}+p_m}, {p_m \over p_{m-1}+p_m} \right\} \right) ,
p. 58, Problem 6. $p_1 \ge 0.4$ should be $p_1 > 0.4$.
p. 69. Eqn (4.52) should read
- {1 \over n} \log {\rm Pr} \{ {\bf X} \} \approx H.
p. 70, Problems 2 and 3. $P_e \rightarrow 0$ should be $P_e \rightarrow 1$.
p. 70, Problem 5. $n \rightarrow 0$ should be $n \rightarrow \infty$.
p. 71, Problem 7. Part a), $A_\epsilon({\cal S})$ should be $A_\epsilon^n({\cal S})$. Part b), add "for sufficiently large $n$" at the end.
p. 71, Problem 8. In the definition of $Z_n$, $H(X)$ should be $\sqrt{n} H(X)$.
p. 73. In Definition 5.1, after "such that", add "$N(x;{\bf x}) = 0$ for $x \not\in {\cal S}_X$, and".
p. 81. In (5.75) - (5.80), $\delta$ should be ${\delta \over | {\cal X} |}$. In (5.81), $\varphi_x(\delta)$ should be $\varphi_x({\delta \over | {\cal X} |})$.
p. 82. The example at the end of the section is incorrect. Here is a correct example.
p. 83. In Definition 5.6, after "such that", add "$N(x,y;{\bf x},{\bf y}) = 0$ for $(x,y) \not\in {\cal S}_{XY}$, and".
p. 114. Figures 6.13 and 6.14 should refer to Example 6.13 instead of 6.14.
p. 121, Eqn (6.A.8). All $X$ should be $\tilde{X}$.
p. 121, Problem 3. In part a), change $p(0,0,1)$ to 0.0772 and $p(1,1,1)$ to 0.375. And part b) should read:
Verify that the distribution in part a) does not satisfy the conditions in Problem 2.
p. 147, Historial Notes: In Yeung et al. [230], they also obtained a hypergraph characterization of a Markov random field based on the I-Measure characterization.
Chapter 8
p. 183, line 1. $n \rightarrow 0$ should be $n \rightarrow \infty$.
p. 184, Problem 3. The sentence before part a) should read:
We assume that $\{ X_i \}$ and $\{ Z_i \}$ are independent, but we make no assumption that $Z_i$ are i.i.d. so that the channel may have memory.
Chapter 9
p. 203, Eqn (9.115). All $X$ should be $\tilde{X}$ and all $\tilde{X}$ should be $X$.
Chapter 11
p. 244, Eqn (11.45). $\le$ should be $=$.
Chapter 15
p. 344, 345. In (15.82) to (15.88), all $i,i’$ should be $i’,i$.
p. 360, below Eqn (15.A.4). $k \rightarrow \infty$ should be
$m \rightarrow \infty$.
Last update by Raymond W. Yeung on February 6, 2006.